Tuesday 1 January 2013

My New Obsession!


I have so enjoyed having a few days off over Christmas and New year and have had chance to spend more time in the kitchen. Whether this is a good thing is debatable!

I made a couple of batches of scones and shortbread but I really wanted to get to grips with bread making from scratch.

So I bought the necessary ingredients and had a go with one of Nigellas recipes. It really is a therapeutic process, in fact quite nurturing and very relaxing. You can't rush the process as the dough has to prove or rise twice.i wasn't very hopeful at this stage


I love the process of kneading the dough it is such a magical moment when the dough suddenly becomes elastic I'm not sure what the technical term is for this but you can feel the difference as you knead.
Anyway i have a new obsession as i have produced a few loaves of tasty bread in both brown and white .
So this is my New Year obsession, watch this space!
I highly recommend giving it a go, by hand rather than machine.

If you have any great bread recipes I would love to hear your comments, I'm a complete beginner so any advice is welcome.

Back to work tomorrow so less time in the kitchen but I'm determined to keep practising and eating it of course!

Debs x



  1. Have found you! Will put you on my blog feed, but how do I join?

    I used to put a bit of olive oil and chopped olives in my loaves ... Lovely with soup xx

    1. Hi
      Thankyou for your kind comment,I need to look at how to add other blogs onto a blog feed,any advice welcolme!
